Thursday, January 1, 2004


His dishonesty is shocking,
but it's what we've
come to expect

Jim Zulz , . . . . msg#6657 Sun, Jun 27, 6:31PM PST My concocted posts from dosset are more accurate than his real ones.

His wit occasionally rises to the level of grade school bathroom brilliance, and is probably enjoyable to some of his idiot friends. At least by those who don't care that his sole purpose is to assassinate his opponent's character.

Sooner, rather than later, he lapses into vulgar name-calling. His lack of intellect is surpassed only by his stubborness and by his disrespect for any view that disagrees with his.

While he claims to take the moral high road, his lack of humility seriously compromises any spiritual claims, dropping his credibility score below that of most people. Wit - 3, Intellect - 1, Credibility - 0.

- - - troublemkr/psychobitch
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