Monday, March 18, 2019

CAG on Immigration -- Nonsense

2214   PM:   Christians   [Quote]     -- 7:30am -- Mon, Mar 18, 19 pst

Christians are Good

The fallacy is you want Americans you don't know and don't care about to lose their rights - you are giving away something you don't have the right to give away.

Like banning abortion; like stripping citizens of their right to vote; like criminalizing marijuana; like....

Wait -- no, that's the RIGHT WINGERS' side; not ours.

2227   PM:   Christians   [Quote]     -- 7:32am -- Mon, Mar 18, 19 pst

Christians are Good

maggie, What you advocate is a form of theft, taking something that belongs to others and giving it away to boost your own ego.

''Look at me, aren't I generous giving away things that belong to others?''


2245   PM:   Christians   [Quote]     -- 7:36am -- Mon, Mar 18, 19 pst

Christians are Good

You advocate giving something that doesn't belong to you and at no personal cost.


Wrong. Advocating asylum isn't giving away anything at at all.

That's why you are dodging my questions about it.  What do you give up when a terrified refugee is granted asylum in the US?


2257 PM: Christians [Quote] -- 7:38am -- Mon, Mar 18, 19 pst

Christians are Good

maggie, As I said if you want a foreign stranger to gain permanent entry then take up the burden of surrendering your privacy and your property.


Only if you give up YOUR privacy and your property in exchange for free access to guns. Deal?