Sunday, April 10, 2016

Clinton Rules v Sanders Rules

Al Sharpton's interview with Jeff Weaver 4/10/2016

The Sanders campaign has a problem.

Just watched Sanders campaign advisor say that Sanders should be excused for voting YES on the 1994 crime bill -- because he stood on the floor and spoke out against mass incarceration.

So, naturally, the MSNBC host immediately fired back, "So Hillary can be excused for her Iraq Resolution vote since she spoke out on the Senate floor against attacking Iraq; right?"?

No, wait --- they didn't dare do that.  They know Hillary must be held to a different standard and to bring that up would be against "The Clinton Rules of Journalism."  That rule allows -- other congressman can be excused for voting FOR a bill or resolution if they also speak out against the parts they don't  like -- and that's okay.  But |NOT| Hillary Clinton; a different rule applies to her.