Wednesday, August 25, 2004

O'Neill Lies Again

Okay. It took me nearly two weeks, but I finally found it. O'Neill went on CNN's Crossifre, and on MSNBC's Hardball on August 12, and claimed that Kerry's wound that resulted in his first Purple Heart was self-inflicted. [This, by the way, is no great shame even if true. Bob Dole can attest to that.] To support his claim, he cites the name of William Schachte, claiming Schachte was on the small skiff Kerry manned that night.

On both programs, other guests accused O'Neill of lying about this. At first, O'Neill countered that Schachte himself would verify it. By the time he made it to Crossfire, though, he had begun to waffle a bit. By then he was willing to say only that there were three and possibly four people on the boat.

A writer for the Boston Globe located the two other men with Kerry that night and asked who was on board.
"Myself, Pat Runyon, and John Kerry," says Zaladonis, the engineman on Kerry's first swift boat, "we were the only ones in the skimmer."

"There definitely was not a fourth," says Runyon. Though the two assume they took hostile fire, both men acknowledge they aren't completely certain. But they also firmly reject the claim that Kerry somehow wounded himself by using an M-79 grenade launcher.
Dang, this guy, O'Neill, just keeps getting nuked right and left.

When will the media stop allowing him to go before the cameras and lie?