Friday, April 5, 2019

Weed - False Equivalence - Proof

Weed: Here's your claim.

7450 PM: Weedhopper [Quote] -- 7:03am -- Fri, Apr 5, 19 pst

So how come it's OK to disrespect Obama, but not Trump? They have the same job. They both made sure everyone who supports them is too stupid to know better...what's the difference?


Weed has two choices.  He can support his claim; or he can dance. Weed  apparently picked choice #2.

7476 PM: Weedhopper [Quote] -- 8:25pm -- Sun, Jun 19, 16 pst

Prove it or dance...those are your only two choices.


7524   PM:   Weedhopper   [Quote]     -- 7:28am -- Fri, Apr 5, 19 pst
You didn't ''challenge'' it. You lied and called it a false equivalence. 

7467   PM:   Doss   [Quote]     -- 7:09am -- Fri, Apr 5, 19 pst
More false equivalence. President Obama did no such thing. It's moronic.

[Quoting Weed: ''They both made sure everyone who supports them is too stupid to know better...what's the difference?'' ]