Monday, April 1, 2019

Trump, Misty, and Other People's Money

2504   PM:   Mistysea   [Quote]     -- 7:54am -- Mon, Apr 1, 19 pst


The big give away - other people's money. It's the Regressive way.


Apparently Misty believes Trump is a "Regressive."  Here's Trump bragging about his spending other people's money (September, 2016):

“It’s called OPM. I do that all the time in business. It’s called other people’s money. There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money . . . Because it takes, the risk, you get a good chunk of it and it takes the risk. We’re going to do this . . .   OPM: other people’s money.”

"The former reality TV star made his promise to use “other people’s money” on the same day The Washington Post published a story accusing Trump of spending $258,000 from his charitable foundation to settle lawsuits involving his other businesses."