Thursday, April 11, 2019

Pale Flubs Assange Charge

9404   PM:   Palerider   [Quote]     -- 1:31pm -- Thu, Apr 11, 19 pst


Archaeopat hardly.  [Assange's] extradition case is over the DoD documents ostensibly given him by Manning.


Now for the truth: Assange is not charged with having documents given to him. He's charged with helping in the THEFT of those documents.  The law calls it "Conspiracy to Commit Computer Intrusion.  (18 U.S.C. $§ 371, 1030(a)(1), 1030(a)(2), ) 1030(c)(2)(B)(ii)).

See also:  (NYTIMES)


9525 PM: Palerider [Quote] -- 2:33pm -- Thu, Apr 11, 19 pst


dosset I didn’t say anything about being given documents . . .


Of COURSE, you did. *S*

9404 PM: Palerider [Quote] -- 1:31pm -- Thu, Apr 11, 19 pst


Archaeopat hardly. [Assange's] extradition case is over the DoD documents ostensibly given him by Manning.