Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Bombings

When President Obama used the expression "Easter worshippers" in expressing condolences for Sri Lankan attacks, the right wingers FLIPPED OUT.  Clearly he meant those people who were attending the worship services to celebrate Easter. Why would they get so upset over his using "Easter" as an adjective? Here's one headline about it:

"Conservative Twitter Pounces on Obama, Clinton for Expressing Sympathy for ‘Easter Worshippers’ Killed in Sri Lankan Attacks"

But then look at the following:

7254   PM:   Cinders2   [Quote]     -- 12:51pm -- Mon, Apr 22, 19 pst

death toll of the Easter bombings is now nearing 300, with over 500 injured ...seems killing Christians is no big deal to the media, yet if  this was a Mosque there would be 24/7 coverage


Using "Easter" as an adjective is HORRIBLE when
Obama does it; but is JUST FINE when right wingers do it. I asked
Cinders to explain. She put me in ignore.

You may ask yourself, "Can a noun be used as an adjective?" And the answer, of course, is "Yes."

From VOA's "Everyday Grammar" -

"English often uses nouns as adjectives - to modify other nouns. For example, a car that people drive in races is a race car. A car with extra power or speed is a sports car. Nouns that modify other nouns are called adjectival nouns or noun modifiers."

Earlier the right wingers complained about the expression ''Easter worshippers.'' Now, though, we see Cinders using the expression ''Easter bombings.''

Some  wonder why right wingers FLIPPED OUT over ''Easter worshippers'' but seem FINE with ''Easter bombings.''