Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dudley - Yet Another Whopper about Obama

Dudley:  I suspected when you asked the question that you were lying about what Obama said.

So I checked.  Sure enough; I was right. SHAME on you.

1691   PM:   Dudley   [Quote]     -- 10:47am -- Wed, Apr 3, 19 pst


It was Obama who said this anemic growth experienced under his watch

was the ''New Normal.''


From: "60 Minutes" Steve Kroft interview with President Obama; Nov. 4, 2010

Question to Obama:  . . . .This emergency, is it over?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Not for the people who are out of work. I mean, we've still got a very high unemployment rate. I think that the way to think about it is the dangers of a second big recession are now much reduced. The danger of us tipping into a great depression, I think most economists would say, is not there on the horizon.

What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high. People who have jobs see their incomes go up. Businesses make big profits. But they've learned to do more with less. And so they don't hire. And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the eight million jobs that were lost. That is a danger. So that's something that I've spent a lot of time thinking about.

Obama went on from there to discuss "our long term competitiveness."