Sunday, March 10, 2019

Justice Speaks up for House Oversight

Yes, the House is doing the right thing by aggressively investigating Trump's crimes.

"To begin with, after allegations of presidential obstruction of justice landed in the public domain . . . , the House did nothing . . . That is not what the Constitution contemplated. When Congress learns of serious allegations against a president, it must quickly determine whether the president is to remain in office, for only Congress (not an independent counsel) has the authority to make that initial and fundamental decision."

“There simply was no need for this mess to have occupied the country [for all this time] . . .  The House Judiciary Committee could have questioned . . . even the president . . . and gotten to the truth." 

Trump's own AG says it's up to both
the Congress AND the press, what he called "
watchdog institutions"  to ''continue vigorous oversight. It's
not enough simply to ''let the independent counsel handle everything.''