Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dwight's Archive

Dwight would rather eat broken glass than try to defend Trump's proposal to take health insurance away from 22 million.

784   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 9:59pm -- Tue, Jul 4, 17 pst


Ah dear... name calling AND personal attacks...

2872   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 10:58pm -- Thu, Jun 15, 17 pst


 . . .  If you got hit by a bus, I would hope it would just leave you with every bone in your body broken.

222 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 10:05am -- Tue, May 10, 16 pst


President Trump will appoint Ted Cruz to the  USSC . . .

330 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 7:47am -- Fri, Mar 4, 16 pst


Everyone has dirty laundry. Everyone

2033 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 5:55pm -- Wed, Apr 20, 16 pst


Simp could be carrying on so because the last time the rich wife cuckolded him, she wouldn't even let him eat the cream pie.

9460 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 6:22pm -- Tue, Apr 19, 16 pst


I respect the choices of others...I do...

[Editor's comment: So you respect a woman choosing to have an abortion.That's a good sign, Dwight. We had you figured for anti-choice.]

9554 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 6:32pm -- Mon, Feb 29, 16 pst


The Iraq war did not destabilize Lybia, sorry. That is all Hillary and Barry O.

6772 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 10:12pm -- Thu, Mar 3, 16 pst


All the liberals etc have to do to totally defuse Trump is convince people  who have been ignored to even vilified by their government for years that they haven't been at all..

3100   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 5:47pm -- Thu, Feb 11, 16 pst


Go Bernie Go!!!

1634   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 2:15pm -- Sat, Feb 13, 16 pst


I hope the GOP Senate stands firm against whatever leftwingnut activist

radical Obama tries to appoint. Bork that motherfucker, whoever it is.

2550 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 7:36am -- Wed, Jan 27, 16 pst


Trump's campaign begins its decline with the upcoming debate... Just watch...

3653 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 6:38pm -- Tue, Feb 2, 16 pst


prove I'm gay...get over here and suck my dick

6332 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 7:04pm -- Thu, Jan 21, 16 pst


Trump won't be the GOP nominee.

6333 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 7:04pm -- Thu, Jan 21, 16 pst


Heb Bush will be.

6334 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 7:04pm -- Thu, Jan 21, 16 pst


Bet the farm.

6391 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 9:43am -- Sun, Nov 15, 15 pst


Describe the supposed 'dishonesty' on my part. I'll wait.

270 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 10:00am -- Sun, Jan 31, 16 pst


I see that Walmart is increasing its wages yet again...

"Editors Comment: And, of course, Dwight told us before why Walmart does this. He says it's because they have no choice."

1168 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 7:59am -- Wed, May 13, 15 pst


Every employer pays the least they can.

6789   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 8:19pm -- Thu, Jul 13, 17 pst


Grrl... I cannot imagine ever voting for a Progressive.

6561   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 10:59am -- Sun, May 10, 15 pst
In a media driven political age, money is speech. If that bothers you, amend the First
Amendment. Simple as that.

955 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 6:54pm -- Wed, Feb 10, 16 pst
I lied.
[Quoting Dwight: "Jake and I have actually met at district klan meetings"]

9266   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 12:33pm -- Tue, Sep 26, 17 pst
Not willfully ignorant here, just stupid. *l*

4586   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 6:49am -- Sun, Jun 25, 17 pst
Mwjohnson: hile.

395 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 4:11pm -- Mon, Dec 5, 16 pst
Did it bother anyone on the left that for much of the last 8 yrs, the ACA was whatever-the-fuck the Great Coloured Hope declared it to be?

974 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 6:58pm -- Wed, Feb 10, 16 pst
Jake is still alive and well. I saw him at the Klan Kristmas Party last December.

7109   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]       7:54pm -- Sat, Dec 29, 12 PST   [iggy]
Jake and I have actually met at district klan meetings.

[Editor' Note: We believe you.]

3864   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 3:32pm -- Sat, Apr 11, 15 pst
[Quote] Mz_dana - Dwightvol: no--just a silly old man who thinks hes funny He's an antique douche bag.

7280   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 6:58pm -- Fri, Apr 24, 15 pst
I'll go so far as to say that I've never seen anyone..even mommas... love unconditionally in real life.

7298   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 7:02pm -- Fri, Apr 24, 15 pst
Like I said... I do not believe in unconditional love.

[Editor's comment: Dwight's bitterness apparently has moved him to renounce his Christian faith."