Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Trump "Fixer" Bank Account Funded by Putin Oligarch

We KNOW the oligarch involved funneled a TON of money into the Trump inaugural; and we KNOW some of the inaugural funds found THEIR way into the pockets of Trump friends.

Now former prosecutors are saying --- the question Mueller is probably asking is ''Did some of this Russian oligarch money find it's way into Trump's bank accounts?''


When they busted the Watergate burglars, they had in their possession one hundred dollar bills that were then traced back to illegal contributions to the Nixon campaign.

Nixon then tried to use the CIA to pressure the FBI into NOT following the money trail.

In this case, the money used to pay off Stormy Daniels is linked to an account being funded by one of Putin's oligarchs!

Trump, like Nixon, tried to get the FBI NOT to follow the money trail.


A friend of Trump's and Cohen's phoned one MSNBC commentator on May 8th  and told him he was going to be AMAZED at the depth and breadth of the scandal as detail begin to emerge over the next 6 to 9 months....

In other words, this bombshell discovery from May 8th is just the TIP of the iceberg. Remember ---we're talking about Russian oligarchs; they are BILLIONAIRES. A few millions here; a few millions there --- pretty soon we're talking about SERIOUS money being funneled (Rudy's word; not mine) into Trump/Cohen controlled accounts. 


Cohen transferred $1 MILLION from his personal Morgan Stanley account into the account of the phony LLC he and Trump set up. Then, he claimed he had to BORROW the $130k he used to pay off Stormy.

If he had a MILLION to move around at will, why did he have to borrow $130k?

It's not adding up.