Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Dwight and the KKK

7109   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]       7:54pm -- Sat, Dec 29, 12 PST   [iggy]


Jake and I have actually met at district klan meetings.

974 PM: Dwightvol [Quote] -- 6:58pm -- Wed, Feb 10, 16 pst


Jake is still alive and well. [ ] I saw him at the Klan Kristmas Party last December.


9005   PM:   Dwightvol   [Quote]     -- 3:50pm -- Mon, May 28, 18 pst


 . . .  I said that I met another chatter at a Klan rally.


5671   PM:   Rockytop   [Quote]     -- 5:35pm -- Tue, Jun 11, 19 pst


Someone suggested that a chatter named Jake was a racist and I sarcastically responded that I had met him at a Klan meeting...


In December, 2012, Dwight told us he met Jake at KKK ''meetings.'' (pl)

In Feb. 2016, Dwight told us he met Jake at a KKK party just two months earlier.

In May, 2018, Dwight admitted he'd told us that he'd attended ''a Klan rally.'' 

These posts from Dwight span from December of 2012 through May of 2018.  The last KKK function  Dwight  confirmed he attended was December of 2015 (which he admitted in February, 2016).


Maya Angelou
Jun 12, 2015
''When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.'' -- #MayaAngelou