Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What Would Be Fun!

What would be fun is if the right
wingers would try to form reasoned arguments to support their political
views. Like, for instance:

1) Why does it make sense to CUT people off their health insurance?

2) Why does it make sense to HIKE taxes on the poor to fund tax CUTS for the wealthy?

3) Why does it make sense to allow our infrastructure to crumble?

4) Why does it make sense to AVOID finding out the extent to which the
Trump campaign has been working with the Kremlin to hack our democracy?

5) Why does it make sense to cut funding for arts in schools?

6) Why does it make sense to break up families and deport undocumented
aliens rather than working to hold these families together?

7) Why does it make sense to allow corporations to dump poisons into our air and water?

8) Why does it make sense to do NOTHING to preserve endangered species?

How much fun could we have if these guys tried to gather facts (not
alternate facts) and use the facts to form reasoned arguments?