I spent part of my convalescence from a recent illness
reading some of the comprehensive timelines of the Russia investigation…
In all of this, there is a spectacular accumulation of lies. Lies on
disclosure forms. Lies at confirmation hearings. Lies on Twitter. Lies
in the White House briefing room. Lies to the FBI. Self-protective lies
by the attorney general. Blocking and tackling lies by Vice President
Pence. This is, with a few exceptions, a group of people for whom truth,
political honor, ethics and integrity mean nothing.
What are the implications? President Trump and others in his
administration are about to be hit by a legal tidal wave. We look at the
Russia scandal and see lies. A skilled prosecutor sees leverage. People
caught in criminal violations make more cooperative witnesses. Robert
S. Mueller III and his A-team of investigators have plenty of stupidity
and venality to work with. They are investigating an administration
riven by internal hatreds — also the prosecutor’s friend. And Trump has
already alienated many potential allies in a public contest between
himself and Mueller. A number of elected Republicans, particularly in
the Senate, would watch this showdown with popcorn.