Thursday, November 9, 2017

Rhino, Government "Tit" and Hypocrisy

8942 PM: Rhino [Quote] -- 6:29am -- Thu, Nov 9, 17 pst

Texas Strong

Deltamike: hey.. he enjoys sucking on the government tit

3566 PM: Rhino [Quote] -- 6:24am -- Mon, Jul 31, 17 pst
Doss: nope.. cause now I am sucking on the tit..
[ quoted: Doss - Rhino Just curious to know if you condemn govt tit sucking in all cases except Vamps ]


Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?  

2687   PM:   Rhino   [Quote]     -- 7:59am -- Wed, Jan 17, 18 pst
It is really Cold
Tree: and here tree loves to suckle off the government tit..