Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Lawless Trump Advisor Targeted

 Kellyanne Conway apparently ran afoul of the law when she used her position as "Counselor to the President" to insert herself into a senate race in Alabama. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from using their positions to advocate on behalf of a candidate or in opposition to a candicate for political office.

"A prominent government ethics expert has filed a complaint
against White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, alleging that she
violated federal law Monday by appearing to advocate against Alabama
Senate candidate Roy Moore's Democratic opponent.

Walter Shaub, who resigned in July as the head of the Office
of Government Ethics, said on Twitter Wednesday that he lodged a
complaint claiming that the top aide to President Donald Trump ran afoul
of the Hatch Act when she discouraged Alabamans from voting for the
Democratic nominee, Doug Jones."