Saturday, October 14, 2017

Lying Liars

7705   PM:   Charles   [Quote]     -- 8:33am -- Sat, Oct 14, 17 pst


I think I can probably trust Intrepid and Dwight because I chatted with them years ago. . .

5637 PM: Raccoon [Quote] -- 4:00am -- Fri, Apr 29, 16 pst

Raccoon will be next....always happens when they won't answer your questions

8211   PM:   Raccoon   [Quote]     -- 10:41am -- Sat, Oct 14, 17 pst


So, my friends are liars too. Okay...kewl

8193   PM:   Namvet   [Quote]     -- 10:35am -- Sat, Oct 14, 17 pst

namvet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . question conformity, resist fascism!

Raccoon: off point. the thread was that premium payers pay higher prices

because of uninsured emergency room visits.

8272   PM:   Weedhopper   [Quote]     -- 10:59am -- Sat, Oct 14, 17 pst

Statistics show that 6 out of 7 dwarves are not Happy

namvet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . question conformity, resist fascism!

if we had an honest republican party, ACA would be working as intended.

If we had a more honest medical industry, insurance would be unnecessary

Why doesn't Weed back this claim? Because he lied, of course.  


8272 PM: Weedhopper [Quote] -- 10:59am -- Sat, Oct 14, 17 pst
If we had a more honest medical industry, insurance would be unnecessary