Friday, April 28, 2017

Trump's Deal Making Not Working

Trump is discovering that shaping public policy isn't quite like negotiating the purchase of an airplane.

In 1987, he offered a ridiculously low $5M for a $30M aircraft.

The tactic may have worked for Trump, as he wound up paying only $8 million.

What did he stand to lose, though, if the potential seller had walked away?

Nothing. He could simply have looked for another airplane to purchase.

Fast forward to the present: Trump demanded congress fund his border
wall as part of a deal to keep govt open. It was the rough equivalent of
offering $5M for a $30M aircraft; except in this case, the congress
pretty much told Trump to go piss up a rope.

This is public
policy; not wheeling and dealing in aircraft. As opposed to the 1987
deal, in this case Trump has PLENTY to lose by not negotiating in good
faith. He stands to see his reputation suffer; and he stands to possibly
lose control of both the House and of the Senate if he insists in
pushing for absurd deals that benefit no one.