Wednesday, April 6, 2016

NYTIMES Letters to the Editor

Bob Somberby at The Daily Howler turned us on to this from the NYTIMES Letters to the Editor.

To the Editor:

Bernie Sanders’s newest strategy is to claim that he is behind in delegates because he is so virtuous. Hogwash. Mr. Sanders has made personal attacks on Hillary Clinton from the get-go. He has attacked her “judgment” by claiming that she voted for war in Iraq, when that vote was to give President George W. Bush the bargaining chip that he had asked for. In fact, in her speech on that resolution, she advised against going to war.

And he insults her in the worst way by claiming that she will favor the companies that paid her to give speeches. Citing Mr. Sanders’s votes on gun control is based on facts; making accusations as Mr. Sanders does on the Wall Street speeches is based on assumptions: There’s a difference.

Mrs. Clinton is ahead on delegates and votes because she is eminently qualified to be president, with realistic plans for governing; Mr. Sanders’s experience is limited to representing a small New England state with radical, “pie in the sky” ideas, which he repeats ad nauseam.

Now that he has a taste of adulation, he is more than willing to go negative. He may have once wanted to run a positive campaign, but that attitude is long gone.

Bellevue, Wash.