Wednesday, February 4, 2015

DC Is a State?

4291 PM: Christians [Quote] -- 12:44pm -- Wed, Feb 4, 15 pst

Christians are Good

''One in three, or 35.2 percent, of people getting federal disability insurance benefits have been diagnosed with a mental disorder, according to the latest data from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Washington, D.C., the seat of the federal government, ranked in the top-ten list of states where disabled beneficiaries were diagnosed with mental problems.''

4343 PM: Christians [Quote] -- 12:56pm -- Wed, Feb 4, 15 pst

Christians are Good

I don't consider them to be in error. They did not say DC was a state. They said DC was ranked among the top ten states.

CaG: If you'd taken my advice, you could have avoided another entry into Imzadi's Stupid Chat Tricks. 

 Remember what I advised you? 

You shouldn't cut and paste what right wingers are saying about reports put out by the gov. You're MUCH better off reading the original reports. 

SSA would NEVER had called DC a ''state.'' 

I'm surprised you didn't catch that one.

When you buy into the horse shit put out by your right winger pals, it only makes you appear to be as careless with the truth as they are.