Friday, January 16, 2015

Weed Can't Explain Pale's Posts

Weed may be thinking, ''Damn, that tricky sumbitch dosset has done it to me again!''

''If I admit I can't understand Pale's gibberish, that proves dosset was right!''

''If I claim I CAN understand Pale's gibberish, dosset will challenge
me to explain it, which I can't; and he'd prove ME to be a liar. Fucking
tricky sumbitch; why did I ever lie to him in the first place He
ALWAYS catches me.'' 

Weed: Please explain for us Pale's claim that ''the irony of the practice'' endures.

That is, if you can.

If you can't, then you prove me right.

If you claim you can, and you dance, then some will get the notion you're a liar.

Go for it. *S*  

The more Weed digs, the deeper his hole. *S*