Friday, January 9, 2015

Celeste Says She'll Turn Down Medicare

4500   PM:   Celeste   [Quote]     -- 12:58pm -- Fri, Jan 9, 15 pst


Doss: Yes, and I'll be paying for it.[ quoted: Doss - Celeste: YOu didn`t answer my question.Will you turn down Medicare when you need it? ]

Celeste: Do you know what an 80/20 insurance plan costs in NJ for someone almost 65 years old?

Around $1100 per month; and it has a $1000 deductible. Do you know what an 80/20 plan through Medicare costs?  Around $100 a month and the deductible is only $147.

Clearly Medicare is a DAMNED good deal!  Wouldn't you agree?