Monday, December 15, 2014

No Interrogation at Abu Gharaib?

454 PM: Palerider [Quote] -- 10:27am -- Mon, Dec 15, 14 pst
No one thought Abu Ghraib was acceptable and it wasn't part of any
enhanced interrogation program, it wasn't even interrogation,

Yes, it was interrogation; and your pal, Victor, says no one was even hurt.


You, again, simply are ignoring the facts.

''Shortly before the physical abuses of Iraqis were photographed in Abu
Ghraib prison outside Baghdad last year, the top U.S. military official
in Iraq signed a classified memorandum explicitly calling for
interrogators to assume control over the ''lighting, heating . . . food,
clothing, and shelter'' of those being questioned there. ''

  - Source - Washington Post

"Two years ago, at Abu Ghraib prison, outside Baghdad, an Iraqi prisoner
in Swanner’s custody, Manadel al-Jamadi, died during an interrogation .
His head had been covered with a plastic bag, and he was shackled in a
crucifixion-like pose that inhibited his ability to breathe; according
to forensic pathologists who have examined the case, he asphyxiated."