Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Race "Card" in the Campaign

A lot has been made of President Clinton's allegedly "playing the race card" in South Carolina. For a look at one of the discussions, we need go no further than Chris Matthews' Hardball:
MATTHEWS (3/17/08): I was amazed to see Bill Clinton—I always say that somewhat sarcastically; I don’t mean to be sarcastic—I saw Bill Clinton on Good Morning America this morning said that he had nothing to apologize for when he compared Barack Obama’s victory in South Carolina with that of Jesse Jackson. He wasn’t marginalizing the minority candidate. He was doing nothing wrong. Whereas Hillary said, if I did something wrong or my husband did something wrong, please forgive him. Different points of view, obviously, here on the campaign trail by Bill and Hill.

GILES: Absolutely. And the funny thing to me is, if you watch and you remember the moment when sort of standing there saying, “Jesse Jackson won South Carolina, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Jackson;” he never said anything about him winning with a biracial coalition like he claimed this morning. He just kept repeating “Jesse Jackson” in this kind of wild-eye crazy way [emphasis added] like, remember, “Jesse, Jesse.” It’s totally disingenuous for him to say that today, I think.
Interesting. By now, everyone knows that President Clinton "just kept repeating, 'Jesse Jackson, Jesse Jackson'..." Great job, Chris. We're glad you brought on a guest to tell us what Clinton said, and just how "wild-eye crazy" he acted.

But wait! Is that what Clinton REALLY said? Let's take a look at the transcript and see for ourselves. Be sure to do a text search on "Jesse Jackson" so you can see how Clinton kept repeating that name over and over all "wild-eye crazy." View the transcript here.
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