Thursday, January 24, 2008

Senator Barak O'Lieberman

What in Sam Hill was this guy thinking?
"I think it is fair to say the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time over the last 10, 15 years. . . "
Was O’Lieberman – I mean Obama – referring to the Reagan years? No. Bill Clinton was president 15 years ago (1993) -- and was still president 10 years ago - in 1998.

Clearly Obama referred to the Clinton years. Then, when Sen. Clinton challenged Obama on his remarks about the time her husband was president, Obama pretended he was really talking about the period 19 to 27 years ago instead of the period he stated -- 10 to 15 years ago. The media knew to play along with Obama's deception.

For instance – dig this distortion by Chris Matthews: “Why does Hillary Clinton deny, almost like in high school, I didn’t say Reagan’s name, when she clearly was talking and knocking Obama for what he’d said about Reagan?”

Uh, Chris. Reagan was elected 27 years ago – not 15 years ago. She clearly wasn’t talking about Reagan.
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