Friday, May 4, 2007

How They Do Debates

Our friends at Media Matters noticed that the MSNBC moderators take on a different style depending on who's debating. When the GOP is debating, the questions are softball. When the Democrats are debating, the questions are hard-hitting, suggestive, loaded, personal.
"When the Democrats debated, Brian Williams asked Barack Obama a loaded question about his ties to a controversial figure. But Rudy Giuliani's relationship with Bernard Kerik -- which could charitably be described as one of the most spectacular examples of poor judgment by a national figure in the past decade -- didn't even come up during the Republican debate. Chris Matthews didn't say a word. Nor did he ask John McCain about his role in the Keating Five scandal.

In fact, none of the Republican candidates got a single question about their business dealings, personal finances, or ties to controversial figures. Only Democrats got such questions."
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