Sunday, May 13, 2007

Cohen on Alberto's Case

You've GOT to see this. Congressmen Steve Cohen reduces Gonzales to rubble. If there was any doubt that Gonzales was lying, that doubt has been removed.

Here's Dana Milbank's take on it in the Washington Post:
"Finally, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) cruelly turned Gonzales's ignorance against him: "You said you didn't know who put [U.S. Attorney David] Iglesias on the list" to be fired?

"That is correct," Gonzales said.

"But you said you knew the president and the vice president didn't," Cohen pointed out. "How do you know they didn't?"

Gonzales paused, trapped. "Well, I just know that they would not do that," he said."
[Part 1]

[Part 2]

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