Saturday, April 14, 2007

The "Script" on Hillary

Some of you may know that I participate in an online political chat forum. I catch a lot of flak there for being an advocate for rationality, logic, fact, reason, you know -- for standing up for the truth. As part of my role as sort of "truth police," if you will, I've decided to do a bit of a survey on the attitudes expressed about Hillary Clinton. Like her or not? What do you think? My challenge to the group, though, was to actually attach some substance to their opinions. To provide something more than ugly smears, name-calling, personal attacks, or mere empty platitudes. The results so far, have been interesting. Here is just a sample:

2555 PM: Guera -- 9:42pm -- Sun, Apr 15, 07 pst

Guera...war is the absence of love and justice

right, CAG...she a political monster

 7952 PM: Raccoon [Quote] -- 6:50am -- Sat, Jan 31, 15 pst


Hillary is a MONSTER. Looks like Palpatine's sister in that picture...or maybe..his mother

5526 PM: Palerider -- 10:02am -- Thu, Jun 28, 07 pst


...I've always viewed Hillary as an opportunist without much principle..

5162 PM: Gurjar -- 8:22am -- Thu, Apr 12, 07 pst


. . . She is a scheming bitch....pure and simple.

3340 PM: Babe -- 11:01pm -- Thu, Apr 12, 07 pst


Doss: I can't stand her. She's a bitch.

4900 PM: Devious -- 7:50am -- Thu, Apr 12, 07 pst

. . . Doss, you can gush all you want about Hillary. I cannot even stand hearing her talk. . .

3416 PM: Christians -- 11:12pm -- Thu, Apr 12, 07 pst

I just don't like her. Don't think she's honest or particularly competent.

3386 PM: Barni -- 11:09pm -- Thu, Apr 12, 07 pst

I jes plain don't like her....I jes dunno why

9921 PM: Polinc -- 1:48pm -- Sat, Apr 14, 07 pst


Hillary is a c*nt. [edited]

9919 PM: Gurjar -- 1:48pm -- Sat, Apr 14, 07 pst


It is the and more that some people object two faces...talking from both sides of her mouth...scheming, conniving bitchiness...

1548 PM: Gurjar -- 5:14am -- Sat, Apr 21, 07 pst


Instead of being a smart lawyer...Hillary showed that she is just another stupid broad.

327 PM: Mrsdeluxe -- 11:44pm -- Sat, Apr 21, 07 pst

Mary Deluxe

...well...I've thought about it for bit now...and I can honestly say...that I dont like Hillary for no identifiable reason other than she makes my skin crawl.

Yes, you get the picture. They really can't point to any issue they oppose Clinton on. No policy position. No vote in the Senate.

Oh, they do try to nail her on the October 2002 vote on authorizing force against Iraq. Of course, most of them disagreed with Clinton's calls for patience then and supported Bush's saber rattling, but they don't want to talk about that right now. And they ignore the facts on that too.

Clinton opposed the war from the beginning, and said so publicly from the Senate floor. What she supported was showing the world a united front behind the president in order to pressure Saddam into allowing UN inspectors to do their jobs. She was right, and it worked perfectly. Not long after the show of unity by the US Congress, Saddam began cooperating and we saw great progress there. Then Bush went nuts anyway. So now, Clinton-haters blame her for Bush going nuts. They're just not being honest.

So here we are. Since the election isn't until Nov of 2016, there's going to be lots of time for the media to try to shape your opinion. I'm tracking the ''script'' on Clinton sort of like we tracked the ''script'' on Gore back in 2000. You know the one where they convinced you that he claimed to have invented the internet or to have discovered Love Canal, etc.?

So, watch for regular updates.

Folks can continue to mouth empty smears about her, or perhaps I can shame some of you into actually thinking.

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