Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Post Gone Nuts

What in the world has happened to the Washington Post? I heard Josh Marshall the other day assert that the Post editorial page was arguably one of the worst in the nation. I have to agree with Josh on that. What in the world are the Post editors thinking when they allow columnist, Richard Cohen, to spread such lies as this?
"Libby was not convicted of the crime that the special prosecutor was appointed to find -- who leaked the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame -- but of lying to a grand jury. In fact, the compulsively compulsive Patrick Fitzgerald not only knew early on who the leaker was but also that no law had been violated."
To the contrary, Fitz said early on that because of the lying and obstruction, it would be impossible to know how many crimes were committed and by whom. In fact, in the end, Fitz DID land four felony convictions in the case. How can he have known there were no crimes committed, yet still obtain four felony convictions? What in the world is the Post thinking?

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