Monday, March 12, 2007

The Dubya Report - Bush League

Ever wondered about Bush's work ethic? Ever wondered just how well-read he is? Here's a glimpse of what his work-day was like when he was governor of Texas.
"As Governor, Bush stuck to a routine with a rigidity that was arguably comforting to his dyslexic and A.D.D tendencies. Clay Johnson, his chief of staff described Bush's work day as broken up into a series of 10 or 15 minute meetings, with a two-hour break in the middle of the day during which he exercises and plays video games. Bush declines to read written reports, demanding oral summaries, instead. According to Johnson, Bush expects his staff to recommend a course of action. This, it would seem, relieves Bush of the responsibility for performing any analysis himself."
What do you bet not much has changed since then?
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