Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The Mighty Wurlitzer

Robert Borosage writes in The American Prospect about what he calls "The Mighty Wurlitzer." This is a vivid description of the rightwing propaganda and smear machine.

"With all that ideological money, institutional heft, coordination, and credentialing, the right has perfected what the CIA used to call a "mighty Wurlitzer" -- a propaganda machine that can hone a fact or a lie, broadcast it, and have it echoed and recycled in Fox News commentary, in Washington Times news stories, in Wall Street Journal editorials, by myriad right-wing pundits, by Heritage seminars and briefing papers, and in congressional hearings and speeches."

This is exactly what we're seeing today. Who remembers the "Gore invented the internet" smear? That was a perfect example of how the RNC honed a lie, broadcast it, and got it echoed and recycled. These guys are a serious threat to our democracy, folks.