Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Novartis Paid $400,000 to Trump LLC

Pharma giant, Novartis, paid Trump/Cohen's phony LLC (the one they set up to launder the Daniels payment) $400,000; Trump then agreed to sit down with the CEO of Novartis in late January, 2018 AFTER his phony LLC received the final installment of the four part $400,000 payment.

federal prosecutor, Joyce Vance, says of the phony LLC Trump and Cohen
set up to pay off Stormy: ''Stinks of influence peddling . . . or what
prosecutors call 'pay to play,' or what federal statutes call

set up the LLC supposedly to launder the payments to Daniels. But NOW
we find out the Russians put in $400,000; AT&T put in $200,000;
Novartis (Pharma) put in $400,000; and Cohen paid himself ONE MILLION

AT&T says it got ZERO legal or consulting work
from the LLC; and Novartis says, HEY that was our FORMER CEO who did
that. He's no longer with us.

And the Russians aren't talking.

This story has legs!