Friday, May 4, 2018

More Personal Attacks from the Right

I predicted this. *S* And it's just going to get uglier and more viciously personal as the noose tightens around Trump and his circle of thugs.

5988   PM:   Celeste   [Quote]     -- 4:08pm -- Fri, May 4, 18 pst


Doss:'ve always been ugly and it's always been personal. Nothing new under the sun.

5994   PM:   Charles   [Quote]     -- 4:11pm -- Fri, May 4, 18 pst


So basically, doss is a bigger pig than Trump.

9067   PM:   Charles   [Quote]     -- 3:54pm -- Sat, May 5, 18 pst
Scout is a disgusting, despicable, deplorable human being, and I know I am giving her way too much credit. 

6008   PM:   Charles   [Quote]     -- 4:15pm -- Fri, May 4, 18 pst


Yep. Doss is the bigger pig.