Saturday, January 6, 2018

Lilleuk Tells It Like It Is

1036   PM:   Lilleuk   [Quote]     -- 3:40pm -- Sat, Jan 6, 18 pst
CAG .. as they call you ... nah, it does not need a mind reader or a specific knowledge of ''Americans'' ... I have worked in psychiatry for many many years, and does not take .. to paraphrase .. a ''genius'' to see what is happening.

When a proven liar, who is actually tweeting things no sane person  would say, and then holding the highest office in the world and being a danger not just to Americans, but to the entire world ... italmost defies belief that people will still support such a freak of nature. The man is sick.

then there can only be one reason that some people still support him .. fear .... not being able to admit that they were wrong ... too much invested emotions and energy defending him for a year. And wanting him SO much because what is the alternative for you? The woodman Pence? So you have no alternative but to support Trump

 Except if you were actually sitting up a little, taking off your blinkers, trying to read other news sources than the ones you so desperately cling to .. and trying to see what is really happening.

It's almost all over. And you are clinging on for dear life to a madman who's not doing you any good whatsoever. And may cause WW3.