Thursday, November 30, 2017

Clinton Cleared; Not So for Moore and Trump

And those allegations against Clinton
were debunked; in one case by the accuser's sworn statement; and in the other case by the judge's throwing the case out summarily ---- and later stating that even if he did what Jones claims, it was NOT sexual

Of course, another HUGE difference between Clinton's case and the ones against Trump and Moore is that Clinton's cases were litigated in one case in federal court; and in another by a $70 MILLION investigation headed by a GOPPER bound and determined to find SOMETHING -- ANYTHING on Clinton. And HE even came up empty.

Trump and Moore DARE NOT go under oath like Clinton did to discuss allegations against them. 

No one is completely innocent. My point is that Clinton was investigated; he testified under oath; his
accuser SWORE he didn't assault her; a federal judge dismissed the phony harassment charge.

Compare that to Moore and Trump who have NOT been questioned under oath about their alleged misconduct.