Monday, February 29, 2016

Pale, Trump, Duke, and Lying

Pale? Selective memory?

8351   PM:   Palerider   [Quote]     -- 2:15pm -- Mon, Feb 29, 16 pst
What I've seen is that Trump said he didn't know about some group, not
that he didn't know about Duke <HR>Maybe you just have the inconvenient news tuned out, eh?

<B>"Just so you understand. I don't know anything about David Duke, OK?"</B> --- Donald Trump -  Feb. 28, 2016, claiming he doesn't know anything about Duke.

<B>But wait! What's this?</B>

“Well, you got David Duke just joined [the Reform Party] . . . a bigot, a racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party.”  - Donald Trump discussing David Duke with Matt Lauer on the <I>Today Show</I>; Feb 4, 2000  -

Coburn Endorses Rubio - Trashes Trump

Fmr Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) --- "Donald Trump's campaign is a fabrication. he is perpetuating a fraud on the American people."

Richweb?  Do you agree with Coburn?

I do.

"What Difference, At this Point, "Does It Make?"

Option one:  There is a protest; not a planned attack. Someone dies.

Option two: There is not a protest.  But rather a planned attack. Someone dies.

In both cases, someone dies.

So --- at this point  ---- now that someone has died, what difference does it make  which option was the operative one at the time?

None, of course.

"Oh, yes, it does!" some complain. " Under option #1, they wouldn't have died the same way."

No, sorry -- there is NO reason to believe they'd have died a different way. 


7458   PM:   Dudley   [Quote]     -- 10:30am -- Mon, Feb 29, 16 pst
Of course it does, it does make a difference how they died

Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out.

Trump, KKK, GOP, and Trouble

 No one believes Trump doesn't know anything about David Duke.

JONATHAN GREENBLATT, CEO, ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE: Well, look, the Anti-Defamation League for over 100 years has been fighting bigotry and anti-Semitism and we don't endorse any political candidate or support any political party. But let me be clear, it is profoundly disappointing and somewhat puzzling when a candidate for the highest office in our nation claims not to be aware of or clear about who David Duke or the Ku Klux Klan might be. Let me be clear, it's time for Donald Trump just to be as forthright with us as he is with his rallies and on the debates, does he support him or not?


How can Trump claim to disavow Duke on Friday; then turn around on Sunday and claim he knows nothing about him?

You have to admit --- Trump got caught in a major whopper there. 

Corinthians, Hillary, and "Loving Kindness"

<B>Hillary cites I Corinthians and issues a hopeful and uplifting appeal to our better nature. </B>

"“Love never fails,” it tells us. “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

These are words to live by not only for ourselves but also for our country. I know it sometimes seems a little odd for someone running for president, these days, in this time, to say we need more loving kindness in America. But I’m telling you, from the bottom up my heart, we do. We do."    -

<B>Hillary's critics, though, say it's  just what the "morons want to hear."  </B>

6459   PM:   Weedhopper   [Quote]     -- 6:39am -- Mon, Feb 29, 16 pst
Doss - I see Trump and Hillary to be two of a kind...both telling morons what the morons want to hear
<B> I disagree.</B>


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Blacks, Democrats, and Stupidity

SaPanther:  ". . . the conservative theme is blacks are too stupid to vote correctly ... NEVER do our Republican types state that the Republican Party might not represent the interests of blacks, or any other minority ... it is always, the minorities are too stupid to vote correctly, meaning for Republicans ... "<HR>

Yes, we've seen this over and over -- sometimes it takes the form of "Democrats keep blacks on the plantation (What's unsaid is, "Because Blacks are too fucking stupid to know Democrats are tricking them.)

Or "Blacks vote for Democrats because of all the free shit....(Leaving unsaid that Blacks are shiftless LAZY STUPID No-Accounts, who are happy to be pandered to by the Democrats.), etc.

Here's an example:

135   PM:   Christians   [Quote]     -- 8:24pm -- Sat, Feb 27, 16 pst
Christians are Good
Some 61 percent of the SC turnout was black. No surprise Hillary defeated a nice (white) old man.


<B>Okay? What's this supposed to mean? Bernie lost because he's white?  Because he's nice? Because he's old?  Because he's a man?

I asked CaG to explain, and he flipped out.

Let's narrow it down. It's not because they don't like whites; no, Hillary's white. Not because they don't like men; no, they supported Obama overwhelmingly when he ran against a woman. Not because Bernie's old; no, she's pushing 70 herself. I'm trying to figure, well, WHAT does that leave? That leaves CaG believes blacks voted for Hillary because they are stupid.

CaG Your remarks taken together paint an ugly picture of racism.

You say it's unhealthy that blacks so overwhelming support a candidate; you say it's no surprise that the ''white'' man is defeated; and you say that the voting is ''weighted'' in favor of the blacks.

One slip up here or there maybe we can excuse; but we're beginning to see a pattern in your case.

You apparently think there is something wrong with blacks being able to defeat the opponent of the candidate you hate. But WHAT is wrong about it?

You won't explain other that to broadly suggest there is something ''unhealthy'' about it.

Very troubling, and perhaps a clue as to your irrational hatred of Hillary.

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Bush Salute with Dog in Hand

Crux Endorses Trump?

3204   PM:   Doss   [Quote]     -- 4:48pm -- Sat, Feb 27, 16 pst

Unsoma: My guess is that in 8 weeks, Cruz will be standing next to Trump bragging that he's the greatest thing to happen to the nation since Ronald Reagan.

Absence of What?

2623 PM: Christians [Quote] -- 2:08pm -- Sat, Feb 27, 16 pst
Christians are Good
Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence

Clinton Double Standard

When Hillary rejects rule invented to apply ONLY to her, CaG says she's stonewalling.

When Trump refuses to release his tax returns, which all candidates are expected to release, CaG sees ''no problem.''

Yup --- double standard.

GOP Candidates Drop Out - Back Trump

Just as Christie has demonstrated.....what the GOP candidates say yesterday simply doesn't matter. Nothing that used to matter matters any more. Inconsistency, untruth, flip-flopping, hypocrisy, cheating, smearing, gouging, elbowing, and kicking ---- all are allowed on their side.

So, after christie, not many are going to raise eyebrows over Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Carson, Kasich, and others lining up behind Trump and pretending he's the greatest thing since Ronald Reaagan....

After all --- what's their alternative? No matter WHAT they do to stop Trump from getting the nomination, they hand the WH to either Hillary or Bernie. 


2544   PM:   Doss   [Quote]     -- 1:48pm -- Sat, Feb 27, 16 pst
If I had to guess right now, I'd say it's going to be a nail-biter between Hillary and Trump -- and may very come down to one state again. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Hillary and the unWar Vote

Enzer and other irrational Hillary critics seem unable to see that some matters require nuance. 

For instance, a diplomat or a political leader in the most powerful nation in the world, in making decisions of grave importance, sometimes finds herself having to balance conflicting loyalties. 

Hillary made it clear that she opposed going to war; believed it possible that by voting "yes" it might move toward a peaceful diplomatic solution; but recognized, to achieve that peaceful resolution, she was required to vote yes to use of force if needed. Without it, our diplomatic leverage is weakened. She balanced the conflicting notions and chose to exert pressure on Saddam with the resolution; and she did so ONLY with Bush's assurance that he'd resort to force ONLY as a last resort.

CaG Vents

CaG: For instance, I got Richweb to come around to the notion that when the media and political opponents DEMAND a candidate, release information, that candidate should do so as LONG AS the OTHERS do so as well.

It took a lot of work, but I was patient.

Now Richweb agrees with me about the unfair demands being made of Hillary. 

CaG: You may call me names; I'm used to it.  You know, though, that such venting isn't particularly effective in making a point.

My patient and methodical reasoning, though, IS effective; which, of course, you recognize and compels you to lash out in anger at me.

You realize that reason, logic, truth, and the facts are on my side; there is NOTHING you can do about

So vent. I can take it.  *S*

More Double Standards - One for Trump - One for Hillary

And CaG, while you're looking at Richweb's excuse for Trump not releasing the information demanded of him, see if you notice the gift he handed to those who defend Hillary.

If you don't see it, just say so, and I'll point it out to you.

9195 PM: Richweb [Quote] -- 10:34am -- Fri, Feb 26, 16 pst
. . . Trump will release his returns----right after obama and hillary release their returns

They have, of course, already released theirs.

From NPR: <B> "Hillary Clinton Releases 8 Years Of Tax Returns"</B>  Updated July 31, 2015 - 7:16 PM ET   -

<B>Obama Releases Tax Returns - The New York Times</B>  -


He WILL release the information demanded of him? But ONLY after others release theirs.?

Should we assume that is a standard that applies ONLY to Trump; but NOT to others?

Or does it also apply to others?

Trump and Tax Returns

Some might say ''Doss --- this is a VERY VERY tough question.''

Do you agree that Trump should release his tax returns?

And apparently Richweb agrees. 

A Stanford law profess says excuses offered up by Trump don't hold water:

"Stanford law professor Joseph Bankman said it's not so odd for a man of Trump's wealth to be subjected to repeated audits. "A lot of super wealthy individuals, and all large companies, are audited every year," Bankman said Thursday night.
But he said Trump's statement that he "can't" publicly release his returns is a headscratcher.

"I'm not sure why that prevents him from releasing his returns. They are his to release," Bankman said.  -

Richweb: We have you on record.

9195 PM: Richweb [Quote] -- 10:34am -- Fri, Feb 26, 16 pst
. . . Trump will release his returns----right after obama and hillary release their returns

They've already released theirs. Where are his? What is he hiding?

From NPR: <B> "Hillary Clinton Releases 8 Years Of Tax Returns"</B>Updated July 31, 2015
7:16 PM ET   -

<B>Obama Releases Tax Returns - The New York Times</B. -


How will Richweb react to this stunning bit of news?  Did you guess, "Lash out angrily"?

You guessed right.
9211   PM:   Richweb   [Quote]     -- 10:52am -- Fri, Feb 26, 16 pst
doss---as always---go piss up a rope 

Richweb: I'm interested also in a curious piece embedded in your excuse for Trump NOT releasing his tax returns.

You say he WILL release the information demanded of him --- but ONLY after others release theirs. Should we assume that is a standard you apply ONLY to Trump; but NOT to others?

Or does it also apply to others?

More Clinton Double Standard

Thanks to Eric Boehlert for this.

Just SOME presidential candidates who made paid speeches to financial institutions:

Mike Huckabee

Donald Trump

Ben Carson

Jeb Bush

Carly Fiorina

Mitt Romney

Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich

Rudy Giuliani 

Hillary Clinton

Now, guess how many of them are being hounded for transcripts of those speeches.

Trump as Oz

This is hilarious.

Trump as the Putz

It's One-Sided

MSNBC's Joan Walsh tells it like it is.  Hillary is being held to a standard no presidential candidate in US HISTORY  has ever had to face, and it's unfair.

"This is a brand new demand that no one has ever had to face before . . . and I understand what she's saying, 'Okay, if this is what we do now, EVERYBODY release their transcripts, and that includes on the GOP side.' . . . [Walsh continues] Otherwise it really IS an unfair situation. I DO feel like it's a one-sided call. I do."  Joan Walsh appearing on MSNBC's "Place for Politics 2016" - February 26, 2016.

CaG and Strained Writing

8991   PM:   Christians   [Quote]     -- 8:28am -- Fri, Feb 26, 16 pst
Christians are Good
Convoluted, and an example of strained writing, but not completely without merit.

CaG - Govt - and Forced Child Birth

8950 PM: Christians [Quote] -- 8:19am -- Fri, Feb 26, 16 pst
Christians are Good
American culture does lend itself to heavy-handed or extensive government.

Trump as Rassler

Bush - Guard - and Memory

"Bush insisted he was "proud of my service in the National Guard" but stumbled when pressed for details. "I can't remember what I did," he said. "I just--I fulfilled my obligation.""

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hillary, Transcripts and the NFL

It's like a football game --- Hillary comes in at quarterback, and the ref's blow the whistle and call for the 15-yard first down chains to replace the ten-yard chains.

"What?" Some ask. "Fifteen yard chains?  What the hell?"

''When Hillary is quarterback, it takes 15 yards to get a first down. When her opponents have the ball, we'll bring back the 10-yard chains," the referee explains.

CaG thinks, ''Well, hell THAT's FAIR!''  

Hillary - Speeches - Confidentiality

Industry "insiders tell that high profile speakers are often saddled with non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements when they talk to big corporations. Meaning, they can’t talk about what happened when they leave. We don’t know for sure if Clinton signed one, but <U><B>experts tell us it’s pretty standard</U></B>.

“I do know from our work that big banks have confidentiality/NDA agreements with all of their vendors (and employees) which prevent them from voluntarily revealing any details about their engagements,” Mike Delikat, a partner at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe told"

Weed, Hillary, and Policy Issues

Weed: We asked Dino which of Hillary's policy proposals he is against; and why.

Guess what.

He couldn't even THINK of any of her proposals.....

We pointed that out to him; he flopped around a bit; then he remembered he had an appointment.

Wanna see if YOU can do any better?  

CaG Is Stingy

 CaG: Of course, I can read your posts. 

For instance, in defending greed, you asked why would anyone think Jesus has something against money. Or against ANYTHING for that matter -- when he didn't specifically speak out against that thing. 

I know what you meant. 

I know also that you didn't one bit appreciate my asking you then what Jesus said about homosexual marriage. 

So, to recap. I CAN read your posts; I DON'T read your mind. 

I DO discern from your posts that you're arrogant, selfish, mean, stingy, cruel, misogynistic, shallow, insecure, and not at all happy that you're unable to con some of the chatters here. *S*

Dino, Hillary, and Infrastructure

Dino: Let's do what Pale might call ''a logic demonstration.'' *S*

I'll mention a policy issue; and you then tell me what you think.


OK ---

Infrastructure --- are you FOR or AGAINST strengthening our nation's infrastructure?  


4534   PM:   Veritas   [Quote]     -- 6:20am -- Thu, Feb 25, 16 pst

If I prove you wrong, call me Pandora or Natchez or Doss or Imzadi.

Dino, do you agree with Trump, that it's a women's right to get an abortion?

Dino, Hillary, and Policy

4433   PM:   Dino   [Quote]     -- 6:02am -- Thu, Feb 25, 16 pst
Hillary never put out a policy in order to oppose it. 


Of course, she's advanced policies; for which she has deservedly received great praise.

You, though, admit you've never read or heard of her policies.  Thus your opposition to her is irrational.

Thanks for playing.


No, I'm sorry.

''I hate her ankles.''

''I hate her voice.''

''I hate her hair.''

None of these are rational reasons for opposing Hillary. And by admitting you are unaware of her policy proposals, you admit that you have no rational basis for opposing her.


Dino: Here's a hint.

If you're going to say you oppose someone's candidacy, you should first find at least one substantive reason. Otherwise, people will think you're a moron. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Music Links


Beach Boys Pet Sounds
Lipbone Redding
Phil Spektor on "Mean Streets" and "Be My Baby"
Trisha Yearwood and Aaron Neville - I Fall To Pieces
Alison Krauss and Union Station - Man of Constant Sorrow [Live]
Sarah Jarosz - Come on up to the house 
The Good, the Bad, the Ugly - on Ukelele
Shaft (Ukelele)
Medley of Pop Songs Set to Handel (Ukelele)
Amy LaVere at Sun Studio
The Watson Twins at Sun Studio
Zappa - "Directly from My Heart to You"

YouTube to mp3 Converter
Brian Wilson - SMiLE live - YouTube
Isaac Hayes: Shaft (High Quality) - YouTube
Longhair - Tipitina
Dixie Cups - Iko Iko (stereo) - YouTube
Belle Stars - Iko Iko - YouTube
James "Sugar Boy" Crawford - Jock-A-Mo (Checker 787) 1953 - YouTube
IKO IKO - meaning of the real words and their origin - YouTube


Jazz Album
Working in a Coal Mine
Southern Nights
Yes We Can Can
A Certain Girl
Get Out My Life, Woman

Dr. John

Gumbo (1972) full album
Dr. John - Let The Good Times Roll (Studio)
Dr. John - Iko Iko
Dr. John - Blow Wind Blow

Neville Brothers

Tell It Like It Is
Yellow Moon
Fire on the Bayou

Ukelele Orchestra

Let It Be
Theme from 'Shaft' - The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain - YouTube
Good Vibrations - Ukelele
Sympathy for the Devil
I Wanna Be Like You
Sugar Plum Fairy
Fly Me To the Moon
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Good Vibrations
Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
Sabre Dance
Psycho Killer - The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain - BBC Proms - YouTube
Walk like an Egyptian



Very Hot - Soneros De Verdad (feat. Luis Frank Arias) - Un Dos Tres Soneros -
DRJASSMUSIC Latin Piano Tutorial Vol.1 - Ejercicio 3 - YouTube
Carlos Santana Festival de Vina Del Mar 2009 [COMPLETO] FULL SHOW - YouTube
Oye como va TITO PUENTE - YouTube
Cuba Salsa, Timba, Casino, Rueda!
Leyendas de Cuba - Rico Son Cubano - YouTube
Tito Puente - Oye Como Va - YouTube

Beatle Harmony

Magical Mystery Tour
She's Leaving Home
With A Little Help From My Friends
You're Going to Lose that Girl
You Really Got a Hold on Me
Hey Jude
All You Need is Love
You Never Give Me Your Money
Two of Us

Stax Records



Martina Eisenreich Quartet - Misirlou
Kelis - Floyd (Live on Sound Opinion) - YouTube

McConnell, the USSC, and the Election - Why Fight Now?

Any of you right wingers want to venture a guess as to why McConnell is saying NOW that there will be no hearings and no vote on a USSC nominee?

He certainly has it in his power to prevent a nominee from being confirmed. So why doesn't he wait for Obama to nominate someone and THEN stonewall? Why pick the fight NOW before there is even a nominee?

Any theories?  

Hillary and CHIP

1451 PM: Christians [Quote] -- 9:15am -- Wed, Feb 24, 16 pst
Christians are Good
Anybody who thinks Hillary is fighting for them and not herself is delusional or shockingly naive.

Tell that to the families whose children now have health insurance thanks to Hillary.

 Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Oct. 6, 2007: The children’s health program wouldn’t be in existence today if we didn’t have Hillary pushing for it from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.

In that same story, The AP’s Beth Fouhy concluded, "While Kennedy is widely viewed as the driving force behind the program, by all accounts the former first lady’s pressure was crucial." She quoted Nick Littlefield, who had been a senior health adviser to Kennedy, as saying, "we relied on her, worked with her and she was pivotal in encouraging the White House to do it."

The AP’s assessment is backed up by others we consulted. Adam Clymer, former chief Washington correspondent for the New York Times, covered the legislative maneuvering and also wrote about it in a 1999 book, "Edward M. Kennedy: A Biography." Clymer wrote that Kennedy "worked with" Hillary Clinton to get White House support for a Senate measure to grant $24 billion for the new program, rather than the $16 billion approved by the House. "With strong administration support, the $24 billion stayed in," he wrote. Then, when the bill finally passed, Kennedy "credited the President, the First Lady, [Senate Democratic Leader Tom] Daschle, Marian Wright Edelman, head of the Children’s Defense Fun, and Hatch. …"

USSC - Obama

Reagan and Fantasy

''One of his favorite stories, one that he told over and over again to different audiences, concerned a pilot in World War II who told his crew to bail out of their crippled B-17 bomber. When the tail gunner said he could not move because he was badly wounded, the pilot replied, ''Never mind son, we'll ride it down together.'' When he told the story to a meeting of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society he added that the pilot was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously. In fact, no medal was ever awarded for such an incident and the story came, almost word for word, from the script of a movie starring Dana Andrews called ''Wing and a Prayer.''''

More on Diaries and Hillary

Applejack: ''So prove Reagan put self-serving entries into his diary.''

No one claimed he put self-serving entries in his diary.

BTW --- check this out. It's purportedly based on entries in Hillary's Diary.

Hillary knew that there really was a vast right wing conspiracy because on the eve of the impeachment vote, Scaife called her and boasted of the way he'd paid witnesses to lie about her and President Clinton. And ticked off for her a list of the many millions he'd spent fabricating the smear; and the names of those he'd paid.

She turned to God and asked that Scaife and all those who were out to destroy her and her marriage be forgiven.

You believe that; right, Applejack? This proves she's a good Christian; right?

Reagan's Diary v Hillary's Diary

Applejack: So rather than read his mind, you're relying instead on what his ghost writer claims was in Reagan's diary.

And there is no chance that Reagan put self-serving entries in his diary, eh?

BTW --- would you like to see some things that someone claimed are in HILLARY's diary?

You'll believe that's what she really thought; right? *S*

Trump? A New Reagan?

What prompted my wife was this.

I wondered out loud -- what it will look like if Trump is the nominee, and republican leaders have to appear on the Sunday talk shows in Aug, Sept, and Oct, and pretend they really think he's the best choice for our nation.

She responded, ''Well, reminds me of Reagan. They did then!''

Changing the Laws on Hillary

Weed: That's like you getting a speeding ticket in the mail for doing 40 in a 30mph.

''Officer, the speed limit was 40 last year when I drove through your town.''

''Yes, but since then, we changed the law. NOW you're guilty.''

Bernie and the NRA

Last summer the WPOST did an article on how Bernie got elected to the House in the first place after losing SIX state-wide races.

How many of you knew Bernie had been defeated SIX TIMES in a row before he FINALLY got elected to Congress?

Guess what changed his luck?

What changed it for Bernie was when he teamed up with the NRA.



CaG: Bernie lost SIX state-wide races in VT; and finally turned his luck around when he teamed up with the NRA.

Now he tries to distance himself from the sugar daddy that put him in office.

Is that what you mean by ''personal integrity''? <HR>If you prefer not to say, we will not be surprised.

Bring in Some New Chains!

Imagine you're watching the Super Bowl. They're slogging it out.

Then, one of the teams inserts a female quarterback.

The refs stop the game in bring in a new set of chains -- when the female QB is on the field, it takes 25 yards to get a first down.

You'd scratch your head in bewilderment.

It's what they do to Hillary.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Rubio? Cruz? Discredited Smears?

Dudley No, I didn't want you to say Trump.

I wanted you to be honest and tell us which you were supporting.

I was thinking maybe I'd pepper you with questions about his truthfulness, character, record, etc...... You know --- give you a dose of your own medicine - difference being, I won't rely on discredited smears about Cruz and Rubio the way you rely on discredited smears of Hillary.


Here's why Dudley won't answer my question.

The fact is he DOESN'T CARE that his candidates are not honest.

By answering my question honestly, he comes over looking like a goofus -- ''No I don't care about Cruz's lying.''

If he lies and tells us he DOES care about Cruz's lying, then we'll ask him why he's attacking Hillary for imagined lies while trying to divert attention from Cruz's REAL lies.

Either way -- Dudley loses, and he knows it.

So --- he won't give us a straight answer. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Matthews, Hillary, Vegas, Unions, and Back Rooms

In the wrap up following Hillary's decisive victory in NV, Chris Matthews spent a good amount of time talking about the fact that voters in the NV caucus can't hide what they're up to. It's all out in the open. You walk over and huddle with Bernie's people or with Hillary's people EVERYONE can see which way you're going. It's all right there out in the open.

But when he told us that, he was still hopeful Bernie might pull out a win; and then Matthews could brag -- ''This is the way politics should be.Open and above board. They're FEELING THE BERN!''

But --- what happened? Hillary slam-dunked it in Vegas and when it was all over, Matthews couldn't help himself.

Suddenly. Remember those open rooms where everyone could see what everyone else was doing?

Fuck that shit. Matthews said Hillary won because of back room deals.

And  now CaG is repeating that right win mantra.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


This is the first post of "Can't Spell It - Don't Do It."

9:13 am --- and set up redirect to

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Bernie's Super PAC Problem

Does Bernie enjoy super PAC support?  You bet your ass he does.


"As a matter of pure uncontested fact, there has been more super PAC money spent thus far in express support of the Sanders campaign than for either one of his Democratic rivals. Let that sink in. That includes, by the way, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records."



"In fact, more super PAC money has been spent so far in express support of Mr. Sanders than for either of his Democratic rivals, including Hillary Clinton, according to Federal Election Commission records."


"Sanders drops line attacking super PACs from speech after super PAC backs him "