Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fair and Balanced Talk Radio?

"Edward Monks, a Eugene, Oregon attorney, calculates that in his city, conservatives enjoy a 4,000-to-zero hour advantage over liberals on the radio. He wrote in the Register-Guard:

“Political opinions expressed on talk radio are
approaching the level of uniformity that would normally be achieved only
in a totalitarian society. There is nothing fair, balanced or
democratic about it.”"

He found that there were more than 4,000 hours per year,
programmed for Republican and conservative talk shows, without a single
second programmed for a Democratic or liberal perspective.”

From What Liberal Media - The Truth about Bias and the News; by Eric Alterman -- pg. 71; Perseaus Books

During Robert Dole’s 1996 convention speech, network camera operators could not find any actual black people to portray as delegates who were really delegates. So as a favor to Dole and the Republicans, they focused on their own employees.  - Eric Alterman; What Liberal Media? ; pp. 149 - 150