Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bush Debacle

6086 PM: Labrown [Quote] -- 10:40am -- Wed, Feb 25, 15 pst


Cinders - yea, not like Bush who did the same thing but to make the rich richer rather than to save a failing national infrastructure. It's hard to believe anyone could be as ignorant as you are. 50 straight months of private sector job growth, gas prices down, medical inflation at lowest rate in 50 yrs, record Wall St profits, unemployment below 6%, bin Laden dead, lowest growth in govt spending since Eisenhower, deficit cut in half - clearly it's time to go back to doing everything Bush did?

The last year of Bush's presidency concluded with a TOTAL collapse of US economy, every bank insolvent, every major US auto maker bankrupt, AIG and most insurances companies bankrupt, the entire US financial system in complete cardiac arrest, two MAJOR wars, NEITHER OF WHICH HAD YET BEEN PAID FOR, and all this amidst first hand accounts of pallets full of US Currency being dropped from planes and stolen by Iraqis while they looted the museums and WHILE DOUBLING THE NATIONAL DEBT, NOT to BAIL OUT and revitalize a nation on life support over the obstruction of the most dim witted GOP in the history of the country BUT to give bigger tax refunds to multimillionaires who were not job creators and instead rat holed the money in the Bahamas.