Wednesday, December 10, 2014

MW Johnson

3005 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] 6:06am -- Mon, Dec 24, 12 PST [iggy]
Happy Christmas!
IMZA....I didn't say you were lying, just that your statement is unprovable -and thus
has no validity to the topic.

7463 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] 7:49am -- Sat, Dec 22, 12 PST [iggy]
Oh, I take that back: when I declared bankruptcy I used a lawyer. He was great guy.

6326 PM: Poorboy [Quote] -- 9:24pm -- Tue, Aug 20, 13 PST
Mark (poorboy)
bankruptcy is the only time i've ever had to hire a lawyer

1201   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]       6:58am -- Sat, Dec 29, 12 PST   [iggy]

Fuck off Grrl.

1285   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]       7:03am -- Sat, Dec 29, 12 PST   [iggy]

TREP....No, I don't iggy anymore.


1560   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]       7:26am -- Sat, Dec 29, 12 PST   [iggy]

GRRL.....What part of fuck-off don't you understand. Is it the Fuck, or the Off?

7735   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]       4:08am -- Fri, Jan 11, 13 PST   [iggy]

. . . I would disagree. I have a number of 30 round magazines.....even a 90 (the 15's

work best tho). I have them for the purposes of killing large amounts of people, should

the need arise . . .

8808 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] 7:32pm -- Wed, Jan 9, 13 PST [iggy]

I look at the world and I notice it's burning While my guitar gently weeps

So many folks accusing each other of lying anymore......sad.

3005   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 6:23pm -- Mon, Jan 6, 14 pst

. . .  Don't be scared little buckaroo!

7418   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 11:53am -- Sat, Apr 5, 14 pst

As usual you make blanket super generalized statements to insult others.

2659   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]       1:31pm -- Thu, Jan 31, 13 PST   [iggy] Mwjohnson

Funny to watch Libs try & get all scientic, to cover their support of killing children. Reminds me of the Nazis.

2058   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]       5:03pm -- Sun, Mar 17, 13 PST   [iggy]

An example.....sourced please. 

8371 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] 8:17am -- Thu, Feb 14, 13 PST [iggy]

JA....I understand the point he was trying to make, but words mean things. If you cannot formulate & present your argument with the proper words & phrases, you should probably just keep your mouth shut.

7091 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 8:34am -- Sat, Nov 2, 13 PST

Bush didn't lie.

2581   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 7:00pm -- Mon, Jun 10, 13 PST

Gee, I would never befriend a criminal.

4462   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 7:20pm -- Tue, Nov 12, 13 PST

MRS...Agreed, he never supports his opinion.

9624   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 3:14pm -- Mon, Jul 29, 13 PST

I never cite my sources.

4486   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 7:23pm -- Tue, Nov 12, 13 PST

...and then offered no supporting evidence......or even an explanation

2268   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 2:30pm -- Sun, Jun 23, 13 PST

In other words,l offer nothing to the discussion.

7796 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 5:31am -- Wed, Oct 16, 13 PST

That's the problem, Obamacare was passed with dirty tricks, passed by a lame-duck

congress who was kicked out over Obamacare -all against the will of the people.

An absolute fucking lie.

The bill was passed in January, 2010. The election wasn't until November, 2010. MwJohnson doesn't give a shit that we know he was lying.

He will point to no dirty tricks; he ignores that Obama was reelected by the people, one of the central issues being Obamacare; they LOVE it. And we caught Johnson lying about when it was passed. Shame on that lying MWjohnson.

6301   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 5:42am -- Sun, Oct 13, 13 PST

Over by the water's edge on one knee...

I support grid-lock. Always a big fan.

That swindling two-bit thimble-rigger.

MwJohnson wants to eliminate taxes altogether. This is why sensible people don't take the teabaggers seriously.

8708   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 7:13pm -- Thu, Jul 4, 13 PST

We should have the lowest tax rate for everyone.

7567   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 5:57pm -- Sun, Jul 7, 13 PST

Porn is simply something to masturbate to.

7451   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 5:40pm -- Sun, Jul 7, 13 PST

Mainly I like porn because it's fun to see people fucking & sucking.

8837   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 11:02am -- Wed, Jan 1, 14 pst
I do not speak to Prap of Hepcat

6927 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 2:50pm -- Wed, Jun 26, 13 PST
I have spoken with Zandak & Prapius about their racism.

4055   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 5:16am -- Fri, Oct 11, 13 PST
I have never cited my sources.

2058 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] 5:03pm -- Sun, Mar 17, 13 PST [iggy]
An example.....sourced please.

2386   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 10:59am -- Sun, Jul 21, 13 PST
Never-mind. I can't even have a normal conversation with folks in here anymore . . .

4459 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 3:14pm -- Sun, Jun 26, 11 pst
The responsible way to end a war is to win it!
I am sad & ashamed I never finished High School.

6012   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 9:18am -- Tue, Aug 6, 13 PST
I don't even give it a thought . . . it's just politics. Some folks must attempt to insult folks they disagree
with. .  .

5340   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 1:01pm -- Tue, Jul 30, 13 PST
Making fun of folks' belief is the height of hatred -the most bigotted action one can take upon another.


7116   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 12:33pm -- Tue, Aug 6, 13 PST
. . .  Some folks would rather avoid things than debate them

3817 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 3:38pm -- Wed, Jul 31, 13 PST
Oh, so we move to insulting when we disagree quaint.

7122 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 7:47pm -- Fri, Sep 6, 13 PST
American Jedi
I have no problem with waterboarding.

3492   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 7:15pm -- Fri, Nov 15, 13 PST
I would not agree that we have any kind of widespread institutionalized racism.

9296 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 11:08am -- Sat, Sep 28, 13 PST
Malt liquor omelet with cigarette toast...
McCain is such a hack douche-bag. 

 5006   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 6:42pm -- Mon, Sep 30, 13 PST
.  . . Glen Beck is the male republican version of Rachel Maddow.

5099   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 6:51pm -- Mon, Sep 30, 13 PST
 . . . I have never watched Glen Beck

5115 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 6:52pm -- Mon, Sep 30, 13 PST
SIBER...I think she is clever, smarmy & snarky, and a shill for the left......kind'a like
Beck is for the right.

9752   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 6:02pm -- Tue, Nov 5, 13 PST
DWUGHT....he makes me hot, with all that pottie-mouth talk of his.

9733   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 5:59pm -- Tue, Nov 5, 13 PST
*sticking my tongue down Watsup's throat*

I always figured MWjohnson was  bit light in the loafers.

3830   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 6:28pm -- Tue, Oct 1, 13 PST
Ahhhh, we have moved on to licking cock now, golly.

2781 PM: Mwjohnson [Quote] -- 6:36pm -- Wed, Oct 2, 13 PST
 *fondling Watsup's ample butt*

2797   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 6:37pm -- Wed, Oct 2, 13 PST
WASTUP....You are so cute when you are angry!

9733   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 5:59pm -- Tue, Nov 5, 13 PST
*sticking my tongue down Watsup's throat*

5287   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 5:59pm -- Tue, Oct 15, 13 PST
(quoting doss) Mwjohnson says only a ''few'' have preexisting conditions.

I never said this.

Now for the truth.

5266   PM:   Mwjohnson   [Quote]     -- 5:57pm -- Tue, Oct 15, 13 PST
for the few who can't be covered because of existing conditions, yes.

"GAO: As many as 112 million adults have pre-existing conditions"